About Spirituaire

Growing up in a suburb of Montreal, meant living with the rich cultures of both French and English communities. Here we are not only for speaking two languages, but also for  combining both French and English in the same sentence. The name Spirituaire comes from the combination of the words “spiritual” and the French “sanctuaire” (or sanctuary). It reflects the richness of the communities I grew up in and still have the great privilege to serve.

At Spirituaire we hope to create to spiritual a sanctuary where you feel supported in exploring your values, beliefs and inner self. Together, we pay particular attention to the ways these inform your life and can serve to guide you on your journey. We also hope to help support and nurture your own inner spiritual sanctuary. A place a light and refuge that you can access within yourself whenever you need it.

Ready to begin nurturing your own inner sanctuary?

We can help.

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Our core values

  • Honouring a client’s innate wisdom.
  • Respect for diversity, including cultural, spiritual and personal diversity.
  • Thoughtful consideration of the many voices within a particular religious tradition.
  • A safe and confidential environment.
  • Compassionate services for all.


Spiritual Care has a long esteemed history and has developed into a well-established, modern approach which is widely recognized nationally and internationally. It is experienced as a person-centred approach of accompaniment, support, and care. For those seeking diagnosis, and/or mental health services by specific, reserved provincial, professional groups, please refer to the L’ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec, L’ordre des psychologues du Québec, or the Collège des médecins du Québec.

Learn more about our practitioners.

Here to support you.

Meet Erin