

Erin LeBrun M.A., CSE

Erin LeBrun, M. A., CSE

I take a holistic approach to supportive care that places my clients own innate wisdom at its core. In my over 10 years of experience in working in public hospitals as a spiritual care practitioner (a.k.a. hospital Chaplain) some of my favourite people to work with were those with chronic illnesses. I have a deep and abiding love for having real, deep and authentic conversations. Ones where we say what we mean and put it all out there, even the controversial stuff. In my experience, nothing pushes us to get real more than a diagnosis that reminds us of our own mortality.

I love working with these clients and their families because I have been a family member that has walked with loved ones through years of treatment and uncertainty. I understand in a deeply personal way that chronic illness often brings waves of different emotions crashing down on the whole family. Each family, and often each member of the family, will experience the illness in their own way. Although the way you choose to ride these waves will be unique to you, I want you to know that you are seen and that it is possible to stay afloat even if a storm is ragging.

I also want you to know that contrary to what is shown is the movies, not all conversations about death and disease need to be heavy and sad. Sure, there might be tears, but I am not afraid of crying. You can ugly cry with snot dripping out your nose and I will be there with you. We’ll also laugh. Not just at funny jokes but about the absolute absurdity of life sometimes. I am here to talk about anything you need to talk about. In my years of practice at the hospital people have shown me scars of all shapes and sizes and in all sorts of places on their bodies. I have sat with patients while they struggled to use the commode, while they were receiving treatments or having fluids drawn out of their bodies and while wound care nurses changed their bandages. These things do not phase me. So, let our time together be a place where you can share your wild adventures in health care without holding back.

I love working with people who have chronic illnesses, along with their families, because they tend to be beautiful souls with rich inner lives. They have so much to give even when their bodies are being less cooperative than they’d like. I am happy to work with clients in all stages of disease and can offer support to family members throughout their time as caregivers and beyond.  

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Erin has spent much of her career accompanying people through important life transitions. She specializes in working with people coping with major disease, living with chronic illness, end-of-life, loss and bereavement, perinatal loss, survivorship, care giver fatigue, spiritual and existential crisis. She specializes in helping clients find, develop and nurture their inner resources to navigate change.

In addition, she continues to be available to spiritual care professionals, and other health care professionals, seeking clinical consultation or accompaniment in the challenges they experience at work and at home. 


Erin holds both a Master’s degree in religion and modernity from Queen’s University as well as a Master’s degree in practical theology, with a specialization in health, spirituality and bioethics from the University of Montreal. She is a Certified Spiritual Care Practitioner and Supervisor-Educator with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC). Please see for more information about CASC.



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